Friday, August 22, 2008

Assignment 2 Results

Just got my results back for assignment 2. I am very encouraged by them and appreciate the feedback. When I submitted the assignment I struggled to know how I was going to include the progress report. In the end I decided to include a link to it through the assignment cover sheet. I wondered at the time whether that was a bit too obsolete, and Edwin cofirmed that when he commented on being a bit lost when he first went into my site.

So, appologies Edwin, this time I have taken your advice and have included a link to the progress report blog at the bottom of my web site. Hope this makes it easier for you for next time.

Up to today I have managed to get the following working, in regards to the dynamic aspect of the site:

1. Registration/activation
2. Login
3. Logout
4. Reset Password
5. Forgot Password
6. Search Recipe Form
7. Search for Recipe

I still need to cover the following:

1. Add a recipe - this has proved to be the hardest aspect of all and in my mind the most important of the site (this will be my focus for the completion of assignment 3).
2. Refining each recipe page (mains, desserts, cakes and biscuits) to include just a dynamically linked heading to each recipe, rather than displaying the entire recipe in the list.
3. Refining each recipe search to include just a dynamically linked heading to each recipe found, rather than displaying the whole recipe in a list (both this and item 2. above are included only if I have time. They are not necessary now as the site stands, but as recipes are added and the result lists get bigger they will be a necessary part of it).

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