Saturday, June 14, 2008

Second Week

This week I have achieved three important things.

1. I started my Web Site Analysis & Design Document. As I started writing it I began to realise that I need to start visualising something pretty soon. I have my subject for the website - A database of recipes from my Grandmothers hand written recipe book - but that is about all. What I do know is that I want it to be such that people can search for recipes, through categories, and also contribute some if they wish. I hope that this fits the criteria for the assignment, but as I am totally new to all this I don't know. I hope that as I go through the exercises in the book and on the net that I will be able to work out the finer details.

I didn't feel comfortable about where I was going as I couldn't visualise what I wanted. So that led me to the second achievement.

2. I opened photoshop and started to play around with some ideas for the header of the site. I find that if I can come up with some colour options and images then I can start to visualise what the site may look like. So this is what I came up with.

I am happy with the design and the logo. Not sure about the colour. I like the colour scheme, but was hoping the logo looked a bit like a raspberry jam blog, but I think the colour is a little off. Will sit with it until I actually have to use it on the prototype and see what I think then.

The title comes from a recipe in my grandmother's book. It conjures up in my mind homemade biscuits that my mum used to make when I was a kid. I am hoping it will do the same for those who view the site.

3. I uploaded my first file onto today and I couldn't believe how easy it was. I thought it was going to be something that I would have to do via the textbook or someone elses instructions, but not so. Just a matter of clicking on upload file and adding it. I uploaded the trial.php file and the first.php file. I was also able to view them by clicking on the link in the site. Worked perfect! For some such a simple step, for me a giant leap.

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