Friday, June 27, 2008


On Thursday I set out to find some information on how to approach privacy on the website. I think it will be an issue if I am to have a log in option on my website, so I figured I better know what kind of things I need to consider. I believe that the book covers this in encryption, but that is well past the half way mark of the book, so I don't know if I am going to get there in time for assignment 1 submission. So i did a search on the web for some information and this is what I came up with: - This article was more about the social issues that are arising in regard to privacy. He suggests that we not worry too much about what information people are gathering on us, but we should worry more about the laws governing what others can do with that information. It really didn't have a lot of practical application for me at this stage though. - This article was quite long and drawn out. Again, it was more on the issues arising form privacy and probably more relevant to large database and network systems. But I did get some good things out of it.

What I need to look at:
1. What kind of information I will require from a user
2. How will it be stored
3. How will it be used
4. What is my 'desired authority structure'?

Design Principles:
1. Keep it simple
2. Fail-safe default
3. Across the board protection
4 Open design
5. Separation of privileges & key system
6. Least privilege - limit accessibility to the minimum
7. Least common mechanism - avoid security compromise
8. Psychological acceptability - ease of use for correct application
9. Work factor - how technical do you have to be to check password
10. Compromise recording - use reliable recording methods over foolproofing

The final article was from the modules: - It was very thought provoking. These are some of the things I gained from it.

* From the statistics it is clear that there must be an option on the website to communicate with the vendor.
* Detailed information on the product is #1 in importance
* Availability of product is #2
* Price comparison is #3

Reasons for dissatisfaction:
1. Confusing/disorganised
2. Couldn't find what they were looking for
3. Slow download.

MYSQL issues

Well, yesterday I wasted the whole day trying to work out how to get into mysql. I think I uninstalled and installed the Apache program 5 times before I figured out how to get it working. Finally did at about 10pm last night and then figured out how to work with the mysql program (well got to do the first part of chapter 4 at least - not sure I really understand it all though), finally went to bed at 1am. I figured I must have spent 10 hours on this yesterday (a whole weeks worth of effort just trying to get a program to work). Oh well, I guess I learnt something from it. Not sure what though :-)

I also feel like I have opened a can of worms. This is a whole new coding system that I am going to have to work out. Still not sure how it connects to the actual website (or at this point how it relates to the design document), but I am sure that it will be revealed further on in the book. That book is my lifesaver. I feel like I am constantly walking in the dark - not knowing what is around the corner, or in front of my face. I hope the lights will be turned on soon, I am getting scared of the dark.

Design Document preparation

To this point I have not stressed over the design document too much. I was thinking that because I have done one before I should be able to get it done fairly easily. However, reality has hit when I start to think about how I am going to organise the navigation, the wireframes and how the file system actually works. I have no idea how MYSQL fits into all this. Is the database manifestly part of the design system? Are they separate pages that have to be factored into the design document?

Then how do I factor in the php pages to the design? The way I see it there can be several php pages which connect as one page. I can't get my head around all these new aspects and how they fit with a standard website. It becomes very disjointed in my mind because I can't see a clear pattern or process involved. There are so many arms to it and it feels like they are flapping to their own beat.

Anyway, since I haven't even touched the Mysql side of it yet I thought I better see what all that involves in the hope that I can get the connection between that and the actual website. I understand that the database holds the data, and that the coding for the website calls for the data, but I don't know how it does it.

Today I did a search for 'why use datbase in website', in the hope that I could get an idea of what kind of sites would need a database. I know that sounds silly, but I just thought it might shed some light on their connection to the website. So far I have come up with this: - A sitepoint article on the basics of setting up a database. This looks quite good as another resource for getting started with mysql. I have started going through it and am finding it is written very simply (something I need right now), I have not got through it yet. - This one was very short and sweet. Not much to it, but it did get me thinking on to what extent I need to use the database.

I know I have over 80 recipes to include on the site - so I am pretty sure that I will need to use the database (well I better or else I won't get far in this unit). The question arises as to how much I need to include in the database. Is it just the recipes or are there other things I need to include? I guess if I am going to have a log in page then that may mean I have to keep data on all those who register with a password (again this is just an assumption as I am really not sure how that all works). As I am so new to this I can't think of how else I would need to use it. So I am hoping that by the end of this week I will have a clearer picture on this.

The other thing I got from this site is that it is important to consider issues of functionality, flexibility and usability, and not to just think that every website needs a database.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


A couple of people doing the unit have already started putting their sites up for a look/see. Makes one wonder if one is dragging the lead. But I think I am on track. I began my Analysis and Design Document the other day and am still working on that. I need to work through exactly how I am going to approach the navigation of the site. I am just not sure how php and even mysql fit into that part of it yet. Also, not sure about the overall design of the pages.

I think I need to spend some time looking at some examples on the net to see what things I need to include. I also need to keep going with the exercises, as I am sure they will offer some understanding as to how they fit in as I go along.

19th June 2008

I started working through chapter 2 of the Ullman text this week. Sometimes I think I am really getting the hang of this new code and other times I am not so sure. But I did manage to get through Magic Quotes, Conditionals & Operators and Validating Form Data.

The Validating Form Data was the trickiest. For some reason it just wouldn't transfer through from the html file to the php file. I must have checked the code 10 times over and I still couldn't see where I was going wrong. I guess my mind was still on the html side of things because it finally dawned on me that I had saved it in the wrong place. Here I was setting up a nice new folder within my NED24 files and then trying to get it all to work from there.

Got it into the xampp folder, thinking all was ok, and still it wouldn't work... Dah!!! forgot to turn on the zampp program! Got that going and still couldn't get it going. Then realised I had to make sure the address was correct (needed to add the proper file names in the proper order).

Then I got it to transfer through and I could finally see it. But of course I had to complicate things by creating a whole new file for the Validating Form Data exercise - handle_form2.php - and couldn't get that one to show up. I kept getting the old version showing up - handle_form.php. Then realised I still had it pegged as handle_form.php within the html file. So changed that.

Magic! It all came together. Felt good - even though I made some dumb mistakes at least I was able to handle it logically and identify and eliminate each error as I went along. I didn't panic and just went back to the basics every time.

As a final test I then uploaded the files onto to see if it all translated onto the big screen. After figuring out that I had to 'replace' existing files for it to work I finally got to see it up there in bright lights.

I also had a quick look at one of the YouTube videos that someone suggested. It was the one with Luke Welling and Laura Thompson and they talk about their new book. '4th edition of PHP & MYSQL Web Development'. I have copied it below.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Second Week

This week I have achieved three important things.

1. I started my Web Site Analysis & Design Document. As I started writing it I began to realise that I need to start visualising something pretty soon. I have my subject for the website - A database of recipes from my Grandmothers hand written recipe book - but that is about all. What I do know is that I want it to be such that people can search for recipes, through categories, and also contribute some if they wish. I hope that this fits the criteria for the assignment, but as I am totally new to all this I don't know. I hope that as I go through the exercises in the book and on the net that I will be able to work out the finer details.

I didn't feel comfortable about where I was going as I couldn't visualise what I wanted. So that led me to the second achievement.

2. I opened photoshop and started to play around with some ideas for the header of the site. I find that if I can come up with some colour options and images then I can start to visualise what the site may look like. So this is what I came up with.

I am happy with the design and the logo. Not sure about the colour. I like the colour scheme, but was hoping the logo looked a bit like a raspberry jam blog, but I think the colour is a little off. Will sit with it until I actually have to use it on the prototype and see what I think then.

The title comes from a recipe in my grandmother's book. It conjures up in my mind homemade biscuits that my mum used to make when I was a kid. I am hoping it will do the same for those who view the site.

3. I uploaded my first file onto today and I couldn't believe how easy it was. I thought it was going to be something that I would have to do via the textbook or someone elses instructions, but not so. Just a matter of clicking on upload file and adding it. I uploaded the trial.php file and the first.php file. I was also able to view them by clicking on the link in the site. Worked perfect! For some such a simple step, for me a giant leap.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Challenge - PHP

My first real challenge came when I had to download the Apache program. I followed the link and downloaded the program, not a problem. I then went to the modules and started to look at one of the tutorials available through Webmonkey. Easy, just copy and paste the code into the text editor. But then it took me an hour to work out where to save it to on my hard drive.

I consulted chapter 1 of Ullman's book, and the Appendix A in the back of the book, and also the suggestions made on webmonkey. All three had varying instructions which confused me even more. Dewa had talked about problems with doing this also on the forum, so I consulted that thread to try to glean some more information on where and how.

Eventually it was just a matter of a process of elimination. The book and website said the 'htdocs' file was inside the Apache file or the 'inetpub' file (wherever that is - never found that one), but eventually I found it in the Xampp file. Once I had that sorted I had my test page showing up in my browser within seconds.

Love it when I can work through a problem!

Another Beginning

It took me a while to decide whether I should attempt this unit or not. I went through the outline and saw several words in there that led me to believe it would be a real challenge - such as 'algebra', PHP, MYSQL, Coldfusion etc. These are words I had either dreaded or not heard of before. Maths was never a good subject for me, so 'algebra' set off alarm bells. When I looked into what PHP and MYSQL meant I wondered if I had the technical capabilities to get my head around a whole new coding system and a database program. Self doubt crept in - which has not been an issue in this degree yet - so I questioned whether I could cope with such a big learning curve.

However, after consulting fellow students and Matt Day at student services, I determined that it was do-able and set about rising to the challenge. Hey, I got through NED11 and NED12 with a brilliant outcome, and they both challenged me, so why not do the same here.

When I got onto the NED24 boards this week the self-doubt crept in again. Everyone seems so 'up to scratch' with the terminology, technology and workings of all this I feel a little stupid. But I have been there before, so no big deal. I just have to work through each challenge one at a time and not panic. The resources are there, the forum is there and the students are there - that's all I need.

Tally Ho!